St. Arsanius Servants Prep Class of 2020

The goal of the servant prep exam is to help you demonstrate your desire to serve.

NO ONE FAILS a servants prep exam. But you must try

You succeed when you study and schedule the exam with the servants

All what you study is important for you as a Christian and not just as a servant

What do you need to know

1- Memorization

  • Thanksgiving prayer
  • Psalm 50
  • 1st Hour Gospel
  • Conclusion of every hour
  • Matthew Chapter 5 (the whole chapter and not just the 6th hour’s verses)
  • 2 foundation verses with references

2- Book Review:

Please read an summarize in one page Only One of these books by Thrice Blessings Pope Shenoudah III. You can get the books from

  1. Discipleship
  2. Life of repentance and purity
  3. Return to God

3. Liturgy

4. Sacraments

5. Councils:

You need to know each of the following councils

  1. Council of Jerusalem
  2. Council of Nicea
  3. Council of Constantinoplis
  4. Council of Ephesus

For each council you need to know the following

  • When
  • Where
  • Who was there (From both sides)
  • What is the heresy
  • what verses they miss-used
  • what is the correct understanding of these versus
  • versus to prove the correct point of view
  • outcome of the council

Material to use


Book summary



Sharing some of what I learened and see in the world