Trip to the Holy Land
St. Mary and St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church
May 27 to June 9
Day 0 Let's go Saturday 5/27 | Day 1 Are we there yet Sunday 5/28 | Day 2 Ein Karem, Nativity Church Monday 5/29 | Day 3 Old Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa, Holy Sepulcher Tuesday 5/30 |
Day 4 On the road to Sea of Galilee Wednesday 5/31 | Day 5 Area of Sea of Galilee Thursday 6/1 | Day 6 Transfiguration Mountain Friday 6/2 | Day 7 Old Java Saturday 6/3 |
Day 8 Feast of Pentecost Sunday 6/4 | Day 9 Day of the Jordan river Monday 6/5 | Day 10Mt of Olive Tuesday 6/6 | Day 11 Church of the Holy Sepulcher Wednesday 6/7 |